Monday 3 October 2011

Birthday weekend, part 1

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.... Gee, I love birthdays! Not the age and numbers that come with it, but the festivities, good food, happy times... And it is always one last bit of nice weather and summery temperatures. Around my birthday the weather usually is brilliant, and again of course it was this year. Even the weather report in the radio was surprised about the temperatures close to 30°C, of course I was not. After all, I had ordered the perfect weather. Connections, connections...

Usually the festivities start very early, which means also the dogs do not have the chance for a lie-in. There is photo posing to be done, and of course preparations for the first good meal of the festival.

Usually the first good meal has something to do with a fondue bourguignonnes! The meat comes only from happy pigs and cows of course (otherwise I would not eat it), and instead of oil we use vegetable soup. It makes the fondue lighter, and it does not give you such a heavy stomach afterwards.

The lovely flowers Stefan gave to me this year were absolutely awesome! They are always wonderful, but this time they were even more so!

Usually there is also a little bit of champagne or sparkling wine involved. So of course there also was this year!

This year the sparkling wine was a special surprise from Stefan as it was cava! As you may recall we have visited the Codorniú winery in Spain recently, and my dearest husband roamed the Viennese speciality stores for just the cava we had there. It was not exactly the same, but it was a close hit! One might say, that this cava was maybe even a bit better. Great surprise, my love, thank you so much!

As part of a birthday festival it is also very important that the mamas are over. On the left hand side, in black, you see Stefans mom, on the right hand side you see my mom.  We decided to toast in the garden, because the weather was so extremely nice and warm.

And somehow Stefan managed to get onto the photos as well. He is the photographer, and he dreads to be on photos, so I always have to take care that there is also some photographic proof of him. : )

Eating out is always a very important and serious part of our festivities. This time we went to one of our favourite restaurants in the area where we live. Check, we love the place! Nice staff, nice food - we have been there like a zillion times, and the food was always perfect! All friends who will come to see me on my hometurf, be aware that we might drag you there!

Right now there is hunting season here, so in all the good restaurants in the Vienna Woods you get a lot of game dishes. It is okay to eat game I think, as they are not bred but live more or less happily in the woods before they arrive on our plates. So I like to enjoy a piece of game now and then. The paté of deer was wonderful!

Also the roasted wild boar with Semmelknödeln. Yummy, the orange sauce was terrific! Hmmm.....

Definately none of my favourites, but a very typical and very famous Austrian dish: the Tafelspitz. Cooked beef is not my cup of tea, but people tell me that it is fabulous. The typical Tafelspitz comes with spinach, Potatoe roesti and apple radish. Definately something to consider when in Austria - hey, not for me, I live here.

Yum, yum, dessert: Karamelgüpfli with Moor im Hemd on the side! Together with coffee or some white dessert wine: a treat!

But then it was time for some serious business: the presents of course!

As you all know I am a bag addict: So I am really happy to welcome my new Louis Vuitton bag (called "Putzi") into my collection. I so needed it!! And the tiny little Swarovsky fellow you see is the surprise present we bought in Sankt Wolfgang the other weekend. It is "Lady" from Disney´s "Lady and the tramp" - and of course since Dessa is a spaniel we felt it was only reasonable to add "Lady" (or "Susi" as she is called in German) to our little Swarovsky family. Of course Dessa is black and white and Susi is brown - but it does not matter to us. A spaniel is a spaniel and rocks!

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your lovely birthday wishes! Thank you so much for thinking of me! Big hug!

And of course the festivities continue, so stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Was für eine Freude das wieder ist, durch die wunderbaren Bilder anlässlich des Hasi-Geburtstags-Festival gedanklich streifen zu können. So viele schöne Momente so schön zusammengestellt. Nicht zu vergessen, die zahlreichen kulinarischen Höhepunkten :-) Ich freue mich auch sehr, dass die kleine Überraschung mit dem Cavas so gut gelungen ist. Genial wie das schwarz-weiße Hundi auf Deinem Arm auf den Tisch späht. Sogar ein Photo von mir hat wieder den Weg in den blog geschafft (ächz :-). Freue mich schon sehr auf Teil 2 der Festivaldoku, Dein stolzer HUSBAND

Hase said...

Oh Schatzi, was für ein liebliches Kommentar! Dessa war etwas unwillig, die hätte lieber geheidelt als fotoshooting gemacht,aber was sein muß, das muß einfach sein. Genauso wie das Hasi auch auf den Blog muß - das ist ja ganz klar! Die Festivaldoku geht unverdrossen weiter, und ohne die genialen Fotos von dir geschossen wäre es natürlich ganz und gar nicht so schön! Dickes Bussi!

Jü said...

Ich muss zugeben, ich bin irgendwie an den Gaumenfreuden in diesem Blogpost hängengeblieben... ich glaub, ich würd das Gasthaus allein wegem dem Karamelgüpfli aufsuchen. Und: Fondu in Gemüsesuppe? Darüber musst du mir mal beizeiten mehr verraten, liest sich wie eine Alternative für das (bei mir daheim übliche) Weihnachtsmenü, die im Magen auch Platz für Süßigkeiten lässt (womit wir wieder bei Karamelgüpfli wären... *ggg*).

Jü said...

*Fondue natürlich.

Hase said...

Mjam, mjam, dieses Wochenende war wirklich sehr kulinarisch - an manches davon (das im Blog auch noch kommt) werd ich noch laaange zurückdenken. Vor allem wenn ich im Privatissimum sitze und die Gedanken anderswohin wandern. Über das Fondue mit Gemüsesuppe berichte ich dir gern - vielleicht wenn wir uns demnächst auch über deine London-Erlebnisse unterhalten? Es ist tatsächlich bekömmlicher und läßt eben auch noch Platz für die Karamelgüpflis. *gg*