Wednesday 7 December 2011

Chicken with mustard, orange and honey

And now for something completely different, as Monty Python would say. Today I want to present some really easy and really different chicken recipe to you, which I understand is of Israel origin. It is very simple and combines sweet, sour and spicy tastes, and of course you have to like this kind of combination if you want to try this recipe. We tried it, and it was definately lovely!

Well then, Ladies and Gentlemen, here we go....
For 3 - 4 persons all you need is:

*) 4 chicken wings
*) 1 peeled garlic (organic)
*) the juice of 1 orange (organic)
*) the juice of 1 lemon (organic)
*) 250 ml additional orange juice
*) 1 large spoon of mustard seed
*) 2 large spoons of mustard (I used a spicy one)
*) 2 large spoons of honey
*) 1 dried chili
*) 10 dried apricots
*) some salt and pepper
*) some olive oil

Preheat oven up to 200°C, peel the chili with pepper and salt and pound in mortar. Then put it in a small bowl and mix with the mustard seed and mustard. Add lemon, orange and honey and stir so the honey dissolves.

Wash the chicken and put it in a barbeque mold. Then pour all the mix over the chicken and add the dried apricots. It should look like this now:

Put it in the oven now for about an hour, turn it now and then and pour the marinade over the chicken. Voila! Now it should turn out like this:

And if you have a husband like me who enjoys decorating and preparing the food, then it maybe, maybe comes out looking this way:

The flavour of the mustard really mixes great with the chili and the honey, and believe it or not, the apricots add an especially nice taste to the whole dish. I definately can recommend it! Even my mom liked it.

It was the ideal dish for a cozy Autumn evening at home. I hope you enjoy it! Mahlzeit!



Hat Jamie dir auch brav beim Kochen geholfen, oder sich nur als "Katze die von der Durchreiche aus alles kontrolliert" gebärdet? :D

Wenn ich mich dazu durchringen könnte, beknochte Hühnerteile nicht nur als Notbehelf, sondern als normale Kochzutat zu betrachten, würd ich das Rezept ja sofort ausprobieren... hmmmm... grübelgrübel. ^^

Hase said...

Hmmm.... Also im Originalrezept haben sie das Hühnerfleisch über Nacht eingelegt. Vielleicht könntest du kleine Hühnerfleischstückchen verwenden, über Nacht in der Sauce einlegen und dann irgendwie wie Hühnergeschnetzeltes zubereiten? Dann ersparst du dir die großen Hühnerteile.
tja, Jamie ist in der Küche immer der Mr. Wichtig - wenn er mal an Dessa und Indy vorbeikommt, heißt das. gg