Saturday 5 January 2013

New Year´s Eve 2012/2013

This New Year´s Eve we did not escape to Switzerland, this year we stood our ground at home. We usually don´t go out on the 31st of December, we don´t go to parties or to restaurants, and the "Silvesterpfad" in downtown Vienna is also a no-go. To many weirdos out there who throw fireworks or empty bottles into the crowds.

I guess you can say we refuse to celebrate when everybody else is celebrating. And by doing so we usually have a Raclette or a Fondue, drink champagne and organize a little firework at midnight. (Glad to have founded a tradition in Finnland as well! When we went there for New Year´s Eve a couple of years ago Stefan insisted on a firework at midnight. Everybody went "oh nooo" and "we don´t want that" - and today they organize their own firework at the Summer house, even when we are not there. He, he.)

Eating, chatting and watching TV amused us until midnight, then it was time for some rock´n´roll outside.

And afterwards some more champagne, chatting and eating all the things you need to eat to have lots and lots of luck in the New Year.
Hope you all had a great one too! HAPPY 2013!!

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