Friday 23 September 2011

La Rambla/Castle at Montjuíc


One more Barcelona dish I would like to serve to you. Today I would like to tell you a bit about la Rambla (les Ramblas/Rambles - not even the people of Barcelona are sure how to call them correctly, it depends wether you feel Catalan or not and even then...) and the castle at Montjuíc.

La Rambla is a very popular street in Barcelona, people meet there and do a little shopping, sit in one of the tapas bars or cerveserias and watch the zillions of people pass by. Tourists are usually warned not to consume anything there, as you are supposed to find only tourist traps. Obviously word passed on and business at la Rambla went down, so the shop owners changed the prices or at least serve better quality. We have found that you need to compare: Some places still are tourist traps - shy away from them! And some places are allright, considering that you are in the hottest spot in town!

We lived nextdoor, so it was hard to avoid la Rambla, la Boqueria is also there, so I am sure if you go and visit Barcelona you will definately find yourself at this very place. But I assure you it is fun!

Well, maybe this does not look like so much fun. The Ramblas are one of the most frequented streets, cars are only allowed in side lanes, and in the evening you shove and push. But go there a little earlier, and you will see lots of fun things.

You will find many artists in the most peculiar outfits, and for some small cash they are happy to be photographed with passers-by. You can also forget about the small cash, but that does not make them very happy...

After a while at the Rambles you will feel the definate urge to get out of there. It is just too crowded, and you will long for a remote, green place to chill. This is what we did. We took the telèferic up to the castle at Montjuíc.

It takes you up to the castle, and the price for a not very long ride is quite dear, but it is wonderful up there, so it is definately worth the price.

 I heard lots of recommendations before we went: The best view would be here, there, somewhere else. We went to all these places, the view always was lovely. But believe me, around Barcelona you won´t get any higher than Montjuíc, and the best view is definately from up there.

You see the endless ocean on one side, the city of Barcelona on the other side.

We absolutely were not happy to leave Barcelona, but we will be back most definately. So many other new things to check out, places to see, for example the little town of Sitges right at the Spanish coast, only a short drive from Barcelona. Finally I have found my personal European Miami which is only two hours flight away, yipee!!

We went with FlyNiki, a line we can recommend any time. Nice crew, nice snack and of course there is always the spirit of Niki Lauda himself floating over the waters. I am sorry that I am not able to properly translate the German word here, but it is a very colorful, very Austrian phrase for "sickbag". Oh gee, it is soooo typical for Niki....

Our nighthaul back lasted around two hours and we did not see a single cloud in the sky, but everywhere the lights of the cities we passed. Nice, the whole cote d´azur, Venice... It was lovely, even for somebody like me who is not....well, too fond of flying.

And there we are, that is the final chapter of our great holiday in Barcelona. Thank you for joining me, and thank you for helping me digest everything we have seen and done during that wonderful time we had. If you liked it - comment on it, if you did not like it - please also do. Now we are off to a weekend in Bad Mitterndorf, Styria, hopefully I will be able to provide you with some interesting photos and stories from there too!

Love for this time and have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Wow, der Künstler im silbernen Outfit ist ein echter Hingucker! Der hat sich extrem viel Mühe gegeben mit seiner Verkleidung.

Ich stimme dir zu, die Aussicht vom Montjuic ist einfach grandios. Das tiefblaue Meer, die Skyline und dahinter die grüne Hügellandschaft.

Kann mich noch gut an die Preise auf den Ramblas erinnern, eine Pizza EUR 25,--. Da hatte ich plötzlich keinen Hunger mehr :-)


Hase said...

Liebe Tamara,

Vielen Dank für die lieben Kommentare, wir haben uns sehr darüber gefreut!
Ganz Barcelona war absolut grandious, und der Blick vom Montjuic war atemberaubend, wir wollten gar nicht mehr weg! (Und das trifft eigentlich für ganz BCN zu.)
Beim schwebenden indischen Gott in Silber mußte ich wirklich 2x hinschauen, und dann konnte ich es kaum glauben. So super gemacht!!
Die Preise auf der Ramblas waren teilweise echter Nepp (wir haben nur einmal ein Getränk gekauft, aber dennoch weiter verglichen), aber man kann mittlerweile auch durchaus zu normalen Preisen Kleinigkeiten futtern. Es lernt der Mensch, solang er lebt!!

Liebe Grüße, Silvia

Jü said...

Also ich mag den BCN-Bericht, insofern: keep blogging!

Und ja, falls ich jetzt auch wieder anfange, bist du schuld! :D

Jü said...

P.S.: Vielleicht bin ich einfach nur seeing impaired, aber beim schwebenden indischen Gott check ich bis jetzt nicht, wie er das macht. o.O

Hase said...

An die Tschü:
Danke für die netten Kommentare, genauso stell ich mir das vor! Blogging ist total süchtig machend, so gesehen gehts eh bald wieder weiter, hähä. Und ja bitte: Rasch wieder anfangen, London bietet sich ja jetzt wirklich an! Und dann kann ich endlich auch meine weisen Kommentare loswerden.
Bezüglich schwebender Gott: Laut Stefan ist es die Strebe auf der Seite, wenn die aus Stahl oä ist, trägt sie das Gewicht angeblich. ????? Aber eine andere Erklärung seh ich tatsächlich auch nicht. Winke!