Monday 12 March 2012

Winter in Styria 1

It has been quite a while since we were here the last time - life and its sometimes being a bit too serious prevented us from going. But actually we never go a lot in Winter, because the Grimming area is a wintersport area and none of us is too fond of wintersports. Stefan is a brillian skier, but does not go anymore because the ski slopes have turned more into war zones than recreation areas, and I finished my skiing career after some bad slumps after which I did not express any great wish to find myself in hospital. Cross-country skiing is boring, ice skating is cold....well, go figure.

But last weekend we definately felt the urge to go and see what was going on ... and we found ourselves in a lot of snow. Even though around Vienna there is not the tiniest bit (and has not been almost all Winter) in Styria they are almost drowning in snow. In real lots of snow.

I mean MASSIVE lots.

We were in excellent mood! The sun was shining, and life was good again! We wanted to go everywhere in one day, so we started early with our favorite walking trail around the Ödensee. Problem: There was no Ödensee. Instead of blue, or okay, black water there was a white plain with nothing on it. And one half of our usual trail is turned into a cross-country slope for the Winter, which is no good when you walk because the sportspeople develop some speed and you never know if they are able to brake in time.

So we went the other way around, basically walking on meters of snow that glittered in the sunlight.

Me and the kiddos felt a little bit like the Royal family being followed by paparazzi. Stefan has got a new camera - need I say more?

But meanwhile Indy had his very own special problems....

He definately needed that stick, no matter if it came with a tree or two!! You have to imagine this whole scene with lots of growling, yelps and claws scratching on wood fervently.

But thanks Gods beloved and wonderful Daddy solved the problem, which was the beginning of some fun game. Fun for Indy. For Daddy I am not so sure...

But immediately another horrible problem occured. It consisted of: a narrow bridge, 1,5 meters snow to cross on, a huge stick and mom and sis already on the other side.


But being hillariously brave and being driven by the crucial fact that mom and sis were on the other side without him, Indy managed. I bet the snow was close to collapsing and he could hear that, and this was the reason why he crossed sohesitantly. Usually he is the first one to venture out. I am glad I do not have dog´s ears, otherwise I would not have crossed probably.

But Spring is not too far away anymore! The little creek that is feeding the Ödensee is without ice, and the snow at the banks is already melting. And in the woods you could already hear the chirping of little birds, the hammering of a woodpecker and the sun was warm on the skin.

And little Dessa had a brilliant time! She did not care about melting snow, ice that could break, sticks that came with trees - she just dashed about! Her fur is so thick that she always enjoys it when there is lots of cool snow.

The message here is clear. "Come on, let´s go in, let´s eat!" But unfortunately Stefan and me had had too much for breakfast....

And now it was time for some break. Too much fun can really wear a dog down...


Anonymous said...

genial, genial, genial, was für eine wunderbare Zusammenstellung verbunden mit Deinen Beschreibungen - ja es war ein grandioser Tag und ich hoffe es folgen noch viele gemeinsame schöne Stunden mit Dir in dieser prächtigen Gegend ! Danke mein Herzilein von Deinem mit Dir lebenden Hasen der sich schon auf die nächste Reise in das grüne Herz von Österreich (hopefully noch vor Ostern) mit Dir ganz fest freut !

Hase said...

Freu mich immer so, wenn der mit mir lebende Hase sich an meinen Texten ergötzt! - Aber die Texte sind natürlich nur möglich, weil ich so tolle Fotos zur Verfügung habe! Es war so schön am Wochenende, wie ein richtiger Urlaub, und das nur drei Stunden Fahrt von Wien weg. Dann freue ich mich schon MASSIV darauf, noch VOR OSTERN mit dir wieder hinzufahren!! XXXXX und Lliebe!!

SIS said...

Ah welch wunderbare virtuelle Reise zur "Wiege der Entspannung". Zuerst dachte ich "wo seid ihr denn da??", alles weiß, ist man ja gar nicht mehr gewohnt. Unglaublich, noch soviel Schnee überall! Sieht toll aus und bin sicher es liegt noch bis ins späte Frühjahr, also noch wenn ihr VOR OSTERN und wir ZU OSTERN hinfahren. Winke, Sis

Hase said...

Es ist wirklich massiver Wahnsinn, wieviel Schnee noch ist, Franz hat gesagt, es hätte geschneit wie Hölle! Ich weiß wirklich nicht, wie lange er noch liegen bleibt, denn es hat wie wir dort waren und es so sonnig war, eigentlich ganz schön getaut, und der Regen am Sonntag hat es sicher auch nicht verbessert. Aber mir wäre es eh recht, wenn wir hinfahren und es ist nichts mehr - dann gibts wieder weniger Langläufer und mehr Spaziergänger!! Winke, Sis