Monday 27 February 2012

Bento boxes and other things

And now for something completely different...

Since I am a true fan of Asian cooking it was just a matter of time until I would stumble over Japanese Bento boxes and other things that enable you to carry snacks around easily. I used to stuff food into Tupperware boxes which are simply no fun, but since Stefan and I always needed something to carry out food - when running between lectures at the uni and sitting at work in endless meetings with no chance to go and grab something - there was no alternative (I thought).

Then, thanks to Sarah and,  I stumbled over  where you find probably hundreds of Bento boxes and other useful stuff that makes your life easier. And here is what  I got:

This is an Ikebana Bento box. It is quite large (for a Japanese Bento box, obviously Japanese people do not eat as much as we do, this is why most of them are all so skinny), it takes a total of 900 ml and is easily fullfilling a male appetite - or a female one if you want to take away a proper dinner, for example because you sit somewhere a whole day or at a time where you usually eat your main meal.

It has got two lairs and you can put it in the microwave and the dishwasher, you just have to remove the white soft lids between lairs. It is a very decorative Bento box with the only disadvantage that there is no bag delivered with it. But I had another Bento bag which I can use if it so it was no real problem. And it will sit in a bag comfortably.

This is the really cool drinking bottle I got. It is called Bouteille G&B rose, was on sale for Euro 6,90 and it holds 250ml of any liquid. It is no thermo bottle, so it is no proper bottle for hot drinks like tea or coffee, but anything else from water to fruit juice is welcome. It is absolutely tight, so no water drops that spoil your favorite script or the inside of your bag - I even use it for my glass of water during the night, because it can even fall off the bedside when Indy is wagging his tail and everything is fine.

And here is my favorite thing I bought: An Onigiri lunch box. It definately is tiny, it holds just one average-size Onigiri, and you have to know how to make them if you want to use it properly. I know how to make Onigiri, but you really have to be into Japanese cooking to do so, and it took me like ten times try and error (and because I ordered an Onigiri mold, which made everything so much easier).  But still: I love the pink color of the box, the shape - it is so cute, and so small and fits into everything.

It also comes with two lairs, one for the Onigiri and one at the bottom where you can put some nice fruit pieces or if you want even some liquid contents like soup (which the Japanese do lots obviously), the box is absolutely tight, so again nothing dripping out. You can even forget about the Onigiri and stuff some other food inside - the advantage of the box (besides of being cute) is that it is so small you can simply put it everywhere.

Casabento ships from France and charges quite a big shipping fee for every delivery, so I recommend that you place a big order so you won´t notice the shipping fees so much. But it arrives in 3-4 work days, which surprised me very much. Definately a recommendable HP!


SIS said...

Liebstes Sis!

WANN findet die "Bento-Onigiri Lunch Box Party" bei dir statt? Wir kaufen einiges davon, besonders die Ikebana finden wir total schick. Ich nehm mir auch immer selbstgekochtes in die Seminarwochenenden mit, allerdings in schnöden Plastikschüsseln (und das nicht mal Tupperware). Freuen uns schon!

Hase said...

Freut mich sehr, dass es für euch eine Anregung ist! Auf Casabento gibt es soviele Bentoboxen, vielleicht findet ihr ja auch andere, die euch gefallen? Es ist echt die Qual der Wahl! Jedenfalls soviel hübscher als die öden Plastikschüsseln, es ist schon beim Herrichten viel netter als alles in das Tupperware zu stopfen. Mußt mir dann zeigen, was ihr euch bestellt habt! Ach ja, und die Trinkflasche bewährt sich auch. Man kann sie supersauber auswaschen und hat immer was zu trinken dabei. Bisher hab ich immer in leere Dola-Fläschchen gefüllt, aber das ist auch nicht hübsch und vor allem kriegt man den Dola-Geruch/-Geschmack nicht raus. Viel Spaß also!! DDDDB, Dein Sis

Anonymous said...

WAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Herr Hase der mit Dir lebt ist total begeistert von den tollen Photos, wirklich schön dekoriert, brav auf passenden Hintergrund geachtet und interessant zu lesender Begleittext. Perfect Blog ! my dear hasi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hase said...

Danke, dass es dir so gut gefällt, lieber mit mir lebender Hase! Ich war mir nicht sicher wegen Hintergrund und so, aber wo so positives Feedback alles gut! Dickes Bussi, dein Hasi