Wednesday 22 August 2012

Der Stockerwirt

It is much too hot right now. Much much too hot. Boiling. Not nice. We even postponed going to Styria because sitting next to the pool is safer. You can crawl in any time and stay there like a hippo when it is resting on a blazing hot African afternoon.

But now and then we dare to leave our cool little nest, like today when we went for lunch to the Stockerwirt. This is one of those "Landgasthäuser" in the Wienerwald area that pretend to serve "rustic Austrian food" and when you go there it rather turns out to be a 5*-place with 5*-star prices! Of course we knew that before, and I really must say that it is definately worth it, especially on a Summer´s day like it was today. Go there when you have something to celebrate or when you simply want to pamper yourself once in awhile. And to give you something like a taste of it here is the web page: Go and check the menue!

This is the front area when you enter from parking:

We have been here on ice cold Winter nights, and it is almost like coming home when you step into the little reception area where candles are glowing and all the lamps are lit.

The inside of the restaurant is a number of little rooms in different country styles, I might show them to you some other time, maybe in Winter. But today it is High Summer and I want to take you out into the garden!

The habitat right behind where we were sitting, is simply gorgeous! Dragonflies were zipping past us and bumblebees bumbled and were busily minding their own business. (In front of Stefan you already can see his main course that actually followed a little bit later: Tafelspitz! Something oh so Austrian and something I oh so do not like. Well, actually I do not like the meat and the Roesti, but I like the spinach, the apple horseradish and the sauce it comes with! It is one of Stefan´s favorites, and so I get to pinch some of the complementary things now and then.)

But if you do not want to sit close to the water because you are afraid the water witch might grab you there are other areas too.

And now let´s order some food.....

As a starter we both had the gravad salmon. Definately yum!

And here now the famous Tafelspitz, that goes down especially well with a light and ice-cold beer!

I had the Picata Milanese - it was absolutely gorgeous. I already had this dish there like three times and it always was a feast and never tasted greasy at all. The waiter told us that it is not cooked in oil but on a griddle without any oil at all. Now that´s it! Look here, Jamie Oliver!

And now for dessert. We had the Griesflammerie and the cheese and shared. Shared, ha!! Stefan complained that he did not get enough Flammerie, but where was my full share of cheese??

Great food, great place! Bye-bye, Stockerwirt, we will be back soon!


Tamara said...

Stefan fährt fast jeden Tag beim Stockerwirt vorbei, aber drinnen waren wir noch nie! Das Essen sieht sehr lecker aus :-) Mahlzeit!

Hase said...

Wir waren vor einiger Zeit einmal, und da war es schrecklich. Die Kellner waren unkoordiniert, der Chef hat das Personal dauernd laut in der Gegend herumgescheucht - also obwohl das Essen gut war, hätten wir das Lokal niemals empfohlen. Diesmal, nach Jahren, haben wir gesagt, probieren wir es nochmal, und es war ein Traum! Es hat einfach alles gepaßt, das Wetter, der Sitzplatz, die Bedienung.... Besonders empfehlen kann ich das Menü um Euro 20,-, da kann man sich drei Gänge von der Karte selbst zusammenstellen, Getränke, Gedeck etc extra, und leider gibt es das nur von Montag - ich glaube Freitag Mittag. Aber vielleicht mal was spontan für einen Urlaubstag?? Liebe Grüße!