Friday 3 August 2012

Gigantische Grillerei

A "gigantische Grillerei" (losely translated "a gigantic barbequeue") is something I take very seriously. It means LOTS. Lots of food, lots to drink. And nobody who is joining us is allowed to go hungry afterwards. Hear me? Nobody MUST BE HUNGRY when going home. So excuse me if I ask "you want some more food?", "you want some more drink? Please?" It is the way I am, I cannot help it. And please take some more food, may it be that you just feel sorry for me, I don´t mind as long as you eat.

Past Sunday a "gigantische Grillerei" was on the agenda again. The weather was a little bit sunny, most of the time cloudy, so after checking the sky for hours we decided to put up the buffet inside and the grill under the roof, so in case it might start raining it would not spoil the fun.

Here you see some of the buffet...

... and here some of the food that ended on the griddle later. There was plenty more, and still we will live off the deep frozen "rest" that I put into the freezer the next couple of weeks. Our guests just did not eat enough! (ELISABETH and MICHI, thank you so much for the salad and sauces and garlic bread and and and... you brought along! Strangely there was no photo when the buffet was absolutely packed, but you definately added so much to it!!)

 I like it when our guests have fun and enjoy their food.

For example here, like Konstantin and Emma! Still they need to do a little bit of training, but I have high hopes that in a couple of years they will be serious eaters!

Here you see the "Lord of the Griddle" supervising everyone and everything. And after lunch/dinner/the feast the kids and dogs had their own agenda.

Whatever they did here - I do not have a clue. But I do not need to know everything.

Indy did his usual thing. He pretends to look for someone to throw his balli - like Paula here - and when someone tries to grab it, he holds it very tight and after a while breaks away and brings the balli to his beloved MAMA. But this time he gave in after a while and had a really good time with the kids. I love my boy, he became really cool over the years.

And somehow the pool was envolved too. Here it is Emma trying the water temperature, and she sure jumped in later!

I am afraid, this photo is a blur (many photos came out as a blur so I could not use them, hopefully it was me and we are not facing a camera problem here), but I definately had to use this photo showing Stefan and the kids in front of the PS3, where they battled afterwards. I will never forget Paula exclaiming "come to me, Dessa!" and dragging my little cutie up to her for the pic! (And sorry, Clara, I know that at your age you are no "kid" anymore! Thanks for minding the kids to perfectly well, and sorry for asking you much too often if you would like more food!)

I thank you all so much for coming! We had a fabulous time, and we hope that we can do this again real soon!

So anybody in for a gigantische Grillerei?? I just love it!!

And afterwards we went to bed really early.....


Anonymous said...

Vom Hasen der mit Dir lebt: Heeeaaarlich !!!!!!!! Perfekte Visualisierung (TEXT !!! und Photos) von einer GIGANTISCHEN GRILLEREI. Es war ein toller Nachmittag und ich muss zugeben, obwohl Du das Meiste an Vorbereitungsarbeit geleistet hast, habe ich mich anschließend so gefühlt wie nach einem Schulwandertag (fix und fertig :-). Leise Angst stellt sich bei mir auch ein bei der Frage, wie werden wir das Eingefrorene in überschaubarer Zeit aufessen können :-) War jedenfalls genial das mit Hasi gemeinsam zu organisieren und - auch wenn das Wetter nicht ganz mitgespielt hat - einen überaus netten Nachmittag mit lieben Menschen gemeinsam verbringen zu können

Hase said...

Danke für das liebe Kommentar! Was ich mich frage: Wie konnte ich eine durchaus überschaubare Menge von lieben Menschen mit einer hungrigen Mongolenherde verwechseln?? Der Tiefkühler sieht so aus, als könnten wir davon noch ein Monat lang leben, und irgendwie frag ich mich schon, wieso ich die Kapazität der Gäste doch immer "leicht" überschätze.... Es war jedenfalls super, und auch wenn ich hinterher halb bewußtlos ins Bett gefallen bin, freu ich mich schon auf das nächste Mal! Winke!