Saturday 22 September 2012

Breakfast at the Point of Sale (POS)

My friend Christina showed me the place, and I liked it instantly. They serve all kinds of breakfast there until the afternoon (e.g. Mexican, Vegan, Zen, Greek breakfast a.s.o), and they offer lots of other specialities there, mainly with an oriental and mediterranian touch. (Thank you for taking me there, Chrissy!) So this Saturday morning, on a rather cool Autumn day that gives you an idea of the upcoming cold season and places a little chill into your heart, we decided to give the menue there a go!

It is very close to the Naschmarkt, but with just that little bit of a distance that makes it less crowded. The few tourists that discover it are happy to get out of the crazy masses of people, the inhabitants rejoice in the feeling that they know about this little hideaway so close to the action.

We were lucky and got a corner table with the most comfortable sofas, but that was by accident because somebody just left. I definately recommend to book a table if you want to go there on a Saturday late morning, because every body else will feel like breakfast/brunch too. (

Most of the tables were full or booked shortly or people just had left. But the atmosphere still was relaxed almost like in my favorite diner in NYC, when we went there on a typical Sunday early morning.

The POS is not very big, but the menue offers so many things and the staff is lovely.

And watch out, here comes the food.... The upper plate is the American breakfast (with bacon, pancakes, blueberries, etc) and the lower plate is the Italian breakfast with prosciutto crudo, eggs, rucola.... Yum! Fresh Orange juice and tea completes the feast, and let me tell you, that our tummies were filled quite well afterwards!

Then a quick hop into Bobby´s Food Store, which is right across the street and offers a wide selection of all kinds of English and American food. I am hooked on some of the stuff since I visited the UK so often that they started saying "Welcome home" at the Immigrant´s office at Heathrow to me and then more or less lived in the US businesswise. So I definately appreciate the endless supply of Reese´s Peanutbutter cups and cherry coke!

We discovered this time, a tiny and lovely Café de thé just around the corner, where I bet they bake everything themselves and even serve High Tea in a tiny adjacent room! So cool!
Then we strolled over the Naschmarkt, where I took the opportunity to stock up my supply of Wasabi and Red bean paste. The market stands are full of fruit, veggies and all kinds of specialities, but the crowds are nerve-wrecking, especially on a Saturday lunch time, when the weather is not so good.
But still there you get some of the freshest, most mouth-watering specialities of the whole town (but be careful, it is kind of a tourist-trap too, the further from a tube station you are, the more decent the price).

All kinds of little titbits, fruit and "spices from the Indies"......
Afterwards we went home, leaving the masses of people behind and went for a walk with the kiddos.
Fall is good.....


Anonymous said...

in der Tat !!!!!!!!!!! WAR DAS EIN TOLLER VORMITTAG - ein super Tipp von Chrissy :-) American breakfeast bitte jeden Samstag. Hasi wieder ganz tolle Zusammenstellung für Deinen blogg. Werde kommende woche oft an diese gemütlichen Stunden denken. Zärtlichs Winke von Hasen der mir Dir lebt

Anonymous said...

du mein Hais, wie immer sind das herrliche Bilder. ist auch schon fad, immer das gleiche zu domukentieren - harharhar.

ich möchte dir gerne sagen, was mir so ins Auge gefallen ist:
der hellblaue Schal. und das hellblaue Shirt, mei das ist super und ich finde, du solltest viel mehr HELLBLAU tragen, das paßt dir extrem gut.

Kissi vom Katzi

Hase said...

Hallo mein Hase der mit mir lebt,
Es war so ein schöner und gemütlicher Samstag, genau das richtige für einen ersten verregneten und kühlen Herbsttag! Ich glaube, wir können noch ganz oft hingehen und jedesmal ein anderes Frühstück ausprobieren - da krieg ich gleich Hunger! Dickes Bussi und danke für eine wunderbare gemeinsame Unternehmen, dein Hasi

Hase said...

Mein Katzi,
Danke für das Lob für die Bilder! Mein Fotograf freut sich jedesmal darüber - und diesmal freu ich mich zusätzlich, weil die Fotos vom Samstag haben wir mir meiner Euro 20-Kamera aus dem Internet gemacht! Die kann man in jeder vollgestopften Tasche mitschleppen, sie ist klein und gar winzig, und nicht schwer... - Tja, und das mit dem Hellblau ist interessant, dass du das sagst. Ich glaub nämlich eigentlich, dass mir Pastellfarben überhaupt nicht passen (ausser lavendel), daher ist es vielleicht der Kontrast zur Weste, dass mir die Farbe steht?? Aber danke für das Kompliment, sowas mag man ja gaaar nicht! Kuglbussi ans Katzi!

Sunnybunny said...

wow das sieht echt super lecker aus, da werd ich gleich neidisch, vor allem weil ich grad fürchterlich hungrig bin ... und ich liebe bobby's food store, die haben crumpets!!!! das hab ich schon ewig nicht mehr gegessen, und dann noch das ganze schokozeug da yummy

Hase said...

Ja, wenn man fürchterlich hungrig ist, ist das Lokal absolut ideal! - Crumpets???? Himmel, die mag ich doch so unglaublich gerne, fast so sehr wie frische Scones mit jam und clottet cream! Hab ich überhaupt nicht gesehen bei Bobbies gestern, da muß ich noch mehr die Augen aufmachen! Aber für den klassischen Pumpkin Pie zu Halloween haben sie schon tollen pürierten Kürbis!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post, I really look forward to updates from you.

Hase said...

Dear anonymous reader,

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a remark. Be my guest here, feel comfortable and I hope to read you again! Hopefully you will enjoy my Future updates!

Best, Silvia

Anonymous said...

love this site – it's a great blog – may i suggest you get an rss feed.

Hase said...

Dear reader - unfortunately I am nothing less than an EDP master. What is an RSS feed, whatfor is it used, and most importantly: How can I add it to this site? Thanks for your help and best regards!