Monday 26 November 2012

Good times

Yessir, let´s rock and roll! I did not get out a lot during the last couple of weeks, so it was about time!  Free as a bird and not a care in the world .... okay, both is not correct, but still I felt like going out and chill. And luckily I found people who were in the same mood!

In the rebuilt UCI Millennium City they opened up a new Steakhouse (decorated in Wildwest style), and it was a spontanous idea to go there. But it looked so nice from the outside that we could not resist and simply had to walk in and give it a try.

It took a lot of being mean and really strict, because Zinsi hates to be on photos. In fact this is the only photo of her that is not a blur - I wonder if she can warp out like a vampyre?? (Thank you so much for inviting me on food and drinks! And thanks for letting me get dessert later! - Another occation of being really mean and strict, a tough evening. And no worries, I am not saying what we had and were we went.)

The spareribs were very nice, they came with a honey dip and lots of other yummy things. Luckily we ordered the small portions - the big ones are overwhelmingly huge!

 And a cocktail afterwards. I think the barkeeper was in training, because I had expected my Virgin Barbados to be frutier, instead it came like a creamy Banana. But it was yummy anyway.
Thanks for a great evening, Zinsi!
Of course we had some family quality time too. The mamas came, my mom still beaming with pride and everything, and it was a huge exchange of presents and surprises. And of being happy and warm and comfy...

With beautiful flowers and good wine and, and, and......

And of course with two happy mamas.
The next day "the girls" and me went to the "Wirtshaus Steirerstöckl" check out www.steirerstö, a Styrian restaurant right next to the Pötzleinsdorfer Schloßpark in the outskirts of Vienna´s 18th district. Long-time friend Sigi, new-found friend Riki and I had planned on a gourmet menue to toast and chat and enjoy.

The food was absolutely wonderful! If you plan on going there check the menue first: It is not really cheap. But if you want to celebrate a bit or simply do yourself something good then this is the place!

Riki had a gorgeous looking carpaccio (photo of which was too much of a blur unfortunately, but if there is a next time there I guess I definately will have that), and Sigi and I had the "Steirerhendl" (with chestnut and plum stuffing - what a feast!).

The girls had some chestnut mousse afterwards. Hmmmm........

Amd then off to a relaxed walk in the Pötzleinsdorfer Schloßpark. I have not been there for so many years, but it was exactly as I remembered it. A walk down memory lane...

It is so good to have friends - old ones and new ones! I thank you for the good times we had together, and I hope for some more "Rock and Roll" really, really soon!


Anonymous said...

echt schön geworden, dein bericht!!! und auf dem foto schauen riki und ich wirklich gleich groß aus! ;-) busserl, sigi

Hase said...

Danke, Sigi! Ah verstehe, das mit der Größe ist irgendwie wichtig... Beim nächsten Mal wird es noch komplizierter, da stell ich mich auch dazu, und irgendein ahnungsloser Passant, der uns fotografiert, muß darauf achten, dass wir gleich groß sind! Winke und bis ganz bald, schön wars!!

Anonymous said...

hihi, da das machen wir - und ken muss nächstes mal unbedingt dabei sein!! busserl sigi

Hase said...

Dass Ken nicht dabei war, hat mich wirklich schwer getroffen!!! Aber wir müssen das nächste Mal unbedingt einen Tisch für vier reservieren!! Bussi zurück!

Anonymous said...

Fürwahr, fürwahr ! Das hat sich das Hasi wirklich verdient und ich kann nur sagen, jede Sekunde, jeden Minute, jeden Tag den Erfolg auskosten ist nun angesagt. Mögen das Hasi-Festival noch ganz viel lange andauern - schließlich war der Weg dahin auch steinig genug ! Also schön brav weiterfeiern und nicht gleich wieder Sorgen / Gedanken machen im Hinblick auf was da kommt. Dein begeisteter Hase, der mit Dir wohnt ! P.S: will auch UCI !!! und Pötzleinsdorf !!! sieht super aus

Hase said...

Ja, es tut schon gut, mal so richtig Zeit für Feiern und Dolce Far Niente zu haben! Aber du kennst mich ja, ich bin eher der unruhige Typ: Der denk ich auch immer, wie es in der Zukunft weitergeht. Aber du hast schon recht, jetzt ist erst mal chillen und fun angesagt. Wahnsinn, letzte Woche liegt schon wieder so lange zurück.
Dicks Bussi an mein Hasi!