Sunday 23 December 2012

Longfield Gospel and Christmas market at the Belvedere

Vienna has so many Christmas markets that we did not have a clue about the Christmas market in front of the Belvedere. Tourists probably prefer the markets downtown and Austrians do not know - but I guess this will change soon because it is beautiful!

Yesterday Longfield Gospel hosted a Christmas concert there, and it was the perfect surrounding and the perfect atmosphere.

The stage was right in front of the Upper Belvedere, but there were so many people there that I did not see anything at all!! Grrr, old friend Sigi and new friend Riki are members of the choir (and rumor has it I might be too soon) and I would have loved to see them in action, but even though I am so terribly tall it was impossible.

So we sneaked behind the market booths and got glimpses from there. The Longfield project basically started as a choir of amateurs who simply wanted to have fun with singing, but meanwhile they have accomplished a very high level of expertise and perform in many concerts each year. The music yesterday was a mixture of thriving African rythms and well-know Christmas songs, and everybody loved it. Come see them yourself nexttime!

And afterwards it is a good opportunity to do a little bit of Christmas shopping. The booths offer traditional goods, and the atmosphere is more christmassy than you find it e.g. at the Market before Schönbrunn Castle.

 And the setting, no doubt, is wonderful. They even have lights on the lake.....

It was quite cold yesterday, so we all came with lots of layers. And I was wearing my conelike arctic coat, in which I need to be helped back up to my feet again when dropping to the side like a bowling pin. But it is cosy and warm. Sigi obviously was freezing when she got home, but due to Doctor´s orders she is fine today, her voice has not suffered and she will continue to be one of the stars of Longfield!

What a great evening just before Christmas! Thank you, Longfield, and thank you, friends! See you at the next concert - or hopefully much earlier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

danke Silvia für deinen wunderschönen Blog über den Adventmarkt Belvedere und Longfield Gospel!
