Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy 2013!

Dear friends and readers,

Another year has flashed by, and boy what a ride it was! So many ups and downs, so many things happening... I feel a bit tired now, cannot wait for some relaxing times and I am not sad to see the old year go. May the new year be a bit slower and a bit less action-packed. The weather has changed over here shortly before Christmas, last night we had icy rain, and all the trees were wrapped in ice, today everything is melting. Maybe a sign for a change of attitude in the New Year?

I wish you all a very warm, comfy, cozy and happy MERRY CHRISTMAS and for 2013 lots and lots of good health and good times! And now it is time for the kiddos to take over. They are in real party mood and cannot wait to wish you all the best for the festive season themselves!


Tamara said...

Oh ja, nun ist schon wieder ein Jahr um! Wir wünschen euch auch einen guten Rutsch und alles Gute, Glück und Gesundheit für 2013!

Hase said...

Ein Wahnsinn, wie schnell die Zeit dahin eilt... Auch Euch einen fröhlichen Silvesterabend, und für das Jahr 2013 viel Glück, Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit!! (Und natürlich viele interessante Reisen!)
LieGrü, Silvia