Monday 25 March 2013


Even though my resistance of participating in an academic celebration had weakend for a minute back in January when I hit this certain key on the keyboard I was not exactly happy when the morning arrived.I felt really horrible and did not want to go but was shooed there anyway - which was good, because in the end it turned out to be a very special moment to be remembered for the rest of my life.

The "Sponsion" took place in the Great Hall of the Main University building, and the breefing of the candidates happened behind closed doors. Meanwhile the audience gathered in the hall and found their seats.

Here from left to right family and friends who are very close to my heart: my mom, Katzi, my MIL, Herr Hasi and Zinsi - photo taken by my Hase, der mit mir wohnt. I thank you so much for sharing this special moment with me, I was so happy to have you there and it meant a lot to me.

The Vice-Decan of the University held a very funny speach about the unnecessarity of academic celebrations and the academia, about "rites de passage" and much more - it was lots of fun listening to him, but also made you think. You could tell that the way he was adressing the audience came from the heart, and even though I am sure he is attending such celebrations more often then one could even guess, he made it all very special and personal for us.  (And besides I was so happy that I had somehow managed to present my field of studies and my thesis without being too emotional, so sitting there and listening to Mr Hulfeld was definately a good thing.)

Both our dignitaries. They are highly decorated members of the University, and still they were extremely warm and kind and seemed very, very happy for us.

After spondeo and handshake of the dignitaries the first time with my master certificate. Yey!!!

Afterwards we came together for champagne and canapées to celebrate a little. (Dear family and friends, I am fully aware that this is probably not the best photo of all of us, but all the others came out a blur so bear with me please.)

Wow, it is done. A toast and warm thoughts back to the past few years, that might have been the best years of my life businesswise. I loved to study, to write and to think and it is hard to let go. But to speak with the words of  André Gide:

"Man entdeckt keine neuen Erdteile, ohne den Mut zu haben, alte Küsten aus den Augen zu verlieren."

So off I sail, into a new and unknown and hopefully happy Future - to new shores and into new oceans. Spondeo - yippieee!


Katzi said...

jessas, mein Hais, jetzt bin ich schon wieder so gerührt.

tis däi wos so weri speschl änd ei will newa forged it!

werde dir am Mi die Sprachaufzeichnung von deiner Vorstellung anhören lassen.

danke, dass ich an diesem besonderen Tag dein Gast (Gästin) sein durfte.

KissiHugiLovi dein Katzi

Hase said...

Schatzi, ich war so froh, dass du da warst, es war mir wirklich total wichtig, und ich war so happy darüber! Sänk ju for schäring this schpeschal Moment!
Für mich wirklich ein Tag, an den ich mich ein Leben lang erinnern werde! Kissihugilovi zurück, dein Hais

Katzi miau said...

Ich hab dich sehr lieb, mein Hais!!!

wo immer dein Lebensschiff dich hinschifft: Ei´m next tu juh!

Sappalot, Hais, dein Engl in Lautschrift ist ja besser als meins.
Mußte laut lachen.
Kan´t helb laafin örli in se mornin.

KissiHugiLovi dein Katzi.

Hase said...

Komm an Bord, Schatzi, es ist Platz genug für dich und mich zum ganz fest kuscheln!

Was mein Englisch in Lautschrift betrifft, da kann ich nur sagen: Ei löörnd from se master!

Dicks Kuglbussi!