Monday 22 April 2013

Longfield Gospel Singers at the Schottenstift

In beautiful downtown Vienna lies the Schottenstift, where the Longfield Gospel Singers (LGS) performed their famous "Unplugged"-concert yesterday. It was the first time I could join them in a public performance, and I was really, really looking forward to it!

I had joined the LGS in February this year, and of course the first concert is a very exciting moment especially for the newbies. We had started rehearsing for "Unplugged" at the beginning of the semester, and since then old and new members have mingled, new friends have been made, and we did a lot of fun-filled rehearsing!

Our director and conductor at work. Longfield is his Baby, and he is putting a lot of blood and sweat and work into the project, but deep down I know that he has fun too!

Even though it was very warm - Spring has settled in outside, and the honorable old rooms of the Schottenstift do not have air condition (which is no good for singers anyway) - the mood was perfect, and we were happy to start the show.

The audience was absolutely marvellous and made it easy for us to get into the mood.

Our two leadsingers did their best to entertain the audience - just like all of us Singers did!

The point of the "Unplugged"-concerts is, that the audience has the opportunity to get really close to the choir. No microphones, no light-show - all focuses on hearing and the pure "life" experience.

This is why you get us not only on stage but also in different formations and different places, even right within the audience.

I sung and attended lots of concerts before, but this version of "Unplugged" was completely new to me. But believe me: It was absolutely brilliant, I have never done and seen anything better in a concert! The mood and energy were phantastic, and we definately rocked the place, together with the wonderful audience!

Another formation you could find us in last night. One of our last songs was the well known "Oh happy day" - and a happy day it was!

And afterwards some well needed rest in the quiet Spring night of the Schottenstift.

My first concert with the Longfield Gospel Singers - and I cannot wait for the next time. I guess I am hooked!


Katzi said...

Mei, bist du süß in deinem Kuttengewanderl, my Hais.

Sagte ich dir doch schon so oft:

Ich freue mich, dass dich das Singen glücklich macht.
Weiterhin ganz viel Freude und Spaß!!


Hase said...

Sweet Kittykat,

Das ist ja so lieb von dir! Und ich kann nur sagen, es war wirklich unglaublich toll gestern!! Von wegen BLAU: Hmm, bin immer noch skeptisch.

Kissihugiluvi, dein Hais