Thursday 3 May 2012

St. Gilgen

St. Gilgen is a lovely little town at the Wolfgangssee in Austrian Salzkammergut, founded around 750. After the shipping business on the Wolfgangssee started it was something like a little boomtown and lots of legends are ranked around it. We love to go there because it is a lot less crowded like for example St. Wolfgang, the people are nice and the lake of course is gorgeous.

Here you see one very happy Dessa and one also very happy blog writer. We decided to let Indy stay at home, so this is why we both are beaming like this. You know, I love the kiddos, but it is so tiring to do sightseeing in a town and 35 kilos of dog hate every other male dog around, forget constantly what "foot" or "stay" is, and the leash becomes something like a fitness instrument you would set up a lot less in a fitness studio. Besides, Indy had a complete freak-out the other day with a stick and the lake, action for hours and lots of whining because the entertainment was so exciting - so after a long walk in the morning it was okay to leave him at home. AND HE IS A GOOD BOY!!! You tell him that you are going out and he lies down - looking very depressed - and sleeps. Dessa on the other hand.... She is our little siren, never could have been let alone with this little doubt in your mind if she might be howling like a wolf for hours..... So she is a pain in the backside, this is why she was allowed to come along, which is exactly what she wanted. Isn´t that typical for life? The "pains" come along and the "good ones" stay at home...

This is the church of St. Gilgen. It was built in the middle of the 18th century in late baroque style. Of course there has been a church already from the 12th century on, and the entrance area is still in gotic style.

It definately is a nice church, very quiet, and whatever panteon you worship - the quiet church will help you focus on it. Of course I did not forget to burn a candle at the little altar dedicated to just that. Life has been good, to me and all the ones I love.

The inside of the church looks very modest and almost simple if you compare it to the hay days of baroque. But it is so peaceful that you just want to stay a little longer.

Caught while coming out of the church. Tsk, tsk, those paparazzi..... If you are there, don´t forget to see the little graveyard behind the church. So peaceful and quiet.... And nowhere any signs like "No dogs allowed" - as if they were no creatures worth the attention of the various panteons. This is what bugs me in Altaussee for example, but here no sign of it. So cool!

The "Mozarthaus" of St. Gilgen. Today you can rent it for various festivities, and it is a great location for whatever party you want to give. The granddad of W.A. Mozart was building it, Mozarts mom was born there, and his sister, the famous "Nannerl", moved back here after her wedding. Until 2002 there was a local court situated there.

Paintings on the houses everywhere. Isn´t it wonderful? Not the average concrete buildings you find in the cities nowadays. Somebody loves these houses, cares for them - and it shows!

This is the townhall of St. Gilgen, yes, so small and a townhall already. Wouldn´t it be wonderful to go to work there every day?

Time for a bath! As Dessa is full of temperament she waddled into the Wolfgangssee and stood around like a buffalo. Szzzzzzz....... cooling down. And by the way: "Indy who?" She did not miss her bro just a tiny baby bit!!

Even the bird houses look different in St. Gilgen! Isn´t that gorgeous?? If you know where I can get one of these for my front yard please let me know!

St. Gilgen is a great place. Not that St. Wolfgang or Gmunden or Hallstatt are not nice too, but it is such a peaceful location that I definately can recommend it to you when you are in the area and want to have a good and relaxing time.

And of course here is the lake! We sat there and took in the view, the temperature was nice and mild, Dessa did not miss her bro at all, and Stefan and me loved the humid, windy air coming from the centre of the lake. What a great afternoon!

This is the little souvenir we bought: a silver frog with golden imprints. There is this brilliant souvenir shop right in the middle of St. Gilgen where they have really special souvenirs. Forget the bags with "Salzburg" on them and the key chains with "Wolfgangssee" - here you find glass and metal pieces of art that will always remind you to this very special town of St. Gilgen!! Our cool frog is sitting in our appartment now, waiting for us to return.....


Anonymous said...

Super über die ganzen Orte, wo ich auch schon war zu lesen und die Bilder von dort zu sehen...
Wollt mal fragen: Wo habt ihr das Titelbild des Blogs mit eurem Hund aufgenommen? Im Salzkammergut? Am Ödensee? Schöne Grüße und gute Besserung!

Hase said...

Dear Anonymous - oder Julia, bist du´s?? Freu mich, von dir zu hören! Hoffentlich läuft in Prag alles rund. Weißt du schon, wie lange du dort bleiben wirst? Das Bild haben wir am Spechtensee in der Nähe von Bad Mitterndorf aufgenommen - es ist wirklich eine dieser Jahrhundertaufnahmen! Stefan meint, von allen Bildern, die er bis jetzt gemacht hat, zählt das zu seinen Top 10! Viele liebe Grüße und thanks for commenting! ; ))

Anonymous said...

Aja, du hast richtig erraten, wer ich bin. Am Spechtensee war ich auch schon, ist wirklich wunderschön dort. Wir hatten dort das Erlebnis, dass uns fast der Sprit ausgegangen wäre: Waren mit Freunden unterwegs und die haben gemeint, zu dem See ist es ein Katzensprung von Mitterndorf aus. Aber der Anfahrtsweg ist dann doch ein bisschen länger *ggg*. Der Rückweg ist sich aber auch noch ausgegangen bis zur Tankstelle in Mitterndorf.

Hase said...

Na, da hab ich ja gut geraten! *gg* Oije, ohne Sprit zum Spechtensee?? Es ist wirklich ein Stück, da habt ihr echt Glück gehabt, auch dass es sich zurück auch wieder ausgegangen ist! Die Tanke haben sie jetzt übrigens zugesperrt, also derzeit gäbe es dort keine Rettung. Angeblich sperren sie wieder auf, aber man kann nur mehr mit Karten zahlen - also auch kein Personal mehr dort. Schrecklich, wie überall eingespart wird, sogar in der schönen Steiermark!

Jü said...

Ich muss übrigens Dessa in Schutz nehmen: Als ältere Schwester eines "kleinen", einem rasch über den Kopf gewachsenen Bruders möchte man ab und zu einfach wieder Einzelkind sein. So ist das nämlich! ;-)

Hase said...

Ja, da hast du sicher recht. Dessa hat sich als "Einzelkind" jedenfalls sehr wohl gefühlt! Winke!