Monday 29 October 2012

Birthday dinner at Stift Heiligenkreuz

Past Saturday (and with a little delay) I celebrated my birthday with the family. This time we went to Stift Heiligenkreuz, a well-know tourist sight and also a good place to eat not far from us. Here you see the inner yard of the Abbey.

It is peacefully situated in the middle of the Vienna woods, and advertisment has it, that it is one of the most beautiful medieval monasteries in the world. It was founded in 1133 and currently has 77 members, 18 affiliated parishes and a Pontifical Theological Academy that was founded in 1802.

Do you know the famous "Singing monks"? They come from the Abbey of Heiligenkreuz, and this is where they practise everyday. Their CDs can be bought in the little store adjacent to the church or even can be bought online! Gee, and people say the Catholic Church does not go modern nowadays!

But let us forget about praying and being holy and all this for the moment. This is the reason why we actually came here: The restaurant of the Abbey! And believe me: The monks definately know how to cook!!

The Abbey in fact is a huge real estate, they breed and grow almost everything themselves and are also processing it for their restaurant. I hear they are doing extremely well, even today when Catholizism is not so popular.

Frightening, don´t you think?? This is three people definately wanting FOOD!!!!

The Restaurant has a huge menue, but now it is hunting season, and I definately love game that has been living happily in the Vienna woods and now that their life has ended is extremely appreciated. This is house-made game pastry - and it is wonderful! (They only serve it until November 1st, so be quick!)

And for the main course I recommend Ragout of Game. The Semmelknödeln are wonderful too! My mom could not make them any better!

And for the ones who refuse game: This is almost Tafelspitz. Even I would eat it, the meat is so soft, and I really do not care for Tafelspitz at all.

It was a great afternoon out - and the best thing is: I can go there again any other time!

I leave you now with a picture of the lovely flowers that my Hasi gave me......


Tamara said...

Spät aber doch - nachträglich
Möge dein neues Lebensjahr voller Glück, Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit sein!
P.S.Ich war im Sommer mit einer Freundin im Stift Heiligenkreuz und wir waren anschließend auch in dem Stiftslokal (ich weiß den Namen nicht mehr) essen. Uns hat's auch sehr geschmeckt ;-)
Lieben Gruß von nebenan

Hase said...

Vielen herzlichen Dank für die guten Wünsche, ich hoffe sehr, dass das nächste Jahr ruhiger, entspannter und vor allem voll von guter Gesundheit sein wird!

Was mich am Lokal in Heiligenkreuz stört (und ich weiß auch nicht wirklich wie es heißt): Dass sie nicht gerade günstig sind, aber dafür nicht mal eine Kerze auf den Tisch stellen können. Die mönchische Schlichtheit hat sicher was mit der christlichen Schlichtheit, blablabla zu tun, dennoch würde ich mich freuen, wenn das Lokal ein winziges Bißchen dekoriert wäre. Aber essen tut man wirklich ausgezeichnet!!

Lieben Gruß retour, Silvia