Friday 19 October 2012

My Special-T

You know that I do not like coffee but love (love, love, love) tea! So when I saw Nestle´s special-t machine this Summer with relatives in Switzerland I immediately wanted to get it too. It was "disappointment extreme" when I found out that it was only available in Switzerland (which was not the problem) but with hillariously high Swiss prices, and some trouble to deliver the tea capsules on a regular basis to my home in Austria or wait half a year until we would get back to Spiez again.

So joy when I recently found out that for a couple of weeks Special-T has been available in Austria too (and will be within the year in Germany, Belgium and Luxemburg, countries worldwide following suite). It is the answer to Nespresso and definately a must-have for all tea-addicts out there.

I have heard people saying, that brewing their own tea is much better than "the one coming from a machine". Well, I still will be brewing my own pots. But sometimes you desperately want a cuppa quick and it is too early, too late, you are too tired.... and this is when Special-T comes in. The capsules cost around the same as Nespresso capsules do, and for me it is an opportunity to also drink green and white tea, which is too complicated for me usually to produce myself. All the other teas that are available are great too, and you do not bother with brewing time, just press a button and there you are. And, before you ask: Yes, there is even the opportunity to programme your own brewing time, but I never bothered so far, it just was not necessary.

You can only order it online via, and at the moment they have a special introduction offer for € 99,-. It comes in a huge package...

... and you get the machine and two cups....

... and an assortment of various tea capsules to try.

Oh, ahm, yes, and mine came with some other tea capsules too, because I already knew which teas I wanted to consume in larger quantities.

They promise 72hrs-delivery. Yeah, right, if you fit into the schedule of the delivery service. They come twice, at the same time, early afternoon when nobody is home, and that was it then. And no!!! they will never ever use Austrian mail to deliver. Some call at the help desk cleared that problem as well, but to be honest: It took me two weeks to get the machine. But well, it is there now, so all is well that ends well.

As you can see: Even Dessa likes here evening cuppa. But I agree, she probably would like here "evening pot roast" or her "evening Schnitzel" even more....


Anonymous said...

Dieses Ding könnte etwas für mich sein. Die absolut geniale Geschäftsidee wäre doch, eine Maschine zu "erfinden", die beides, Tee und Kaffeekapseln, schluckt! Wäre dann platztechnisch in unserer Küche vorteilhafter. Ich glaub so hab ich momentan nämlich keine Chance auf Anschaffung... Und die Übererfindung wäre es doch, umweltfreundlichere Kapseln / Pads zu machen! Man könnte dann noch Kakaokapseln auch noch erfinden, mit Kakaosorten aus aller Welt...und natürlich eine eigene Maschine dazu ;-)! Okay, genug Geschäftsideen hätte ich ja...

Schön, dass du wieder "on-line" bist!

Hase said...

Liebe Julia,

Ich bin ganz schön froh, wieder "on-line" zu sein! Wie gefällts dir, wieder zurück daheim? Jetzt muß aber wirklich ganz bald ein Treffen sein, finde ich! - Hm, ich füchte, jemand hatte diese Geschäftsideen schon vor dir. Es gibt tatsächlich Kaffeemaschinen, die auch Tee und sogar Kakao aus Kapseln brühen, allerdings sind diese Maschinen trotzdem zu 99% auf Kaffee ausgerichtet. Es gibt nur wenige Teesorten und auch nur einen Kakao. Und über die Qualität dieser Tees hinsichtlich Brühzeit etc läßt sich streiten. Nur einmal hab ich einen Chai mit Milch getrunken, der wirklich göttlich war. Sonst hält sich das Angebot für Teetrinker ja eher in Grenzen. Das mit den umweltfreundlichen Kapseln ist natürlich absolut valide, aber ich hoffe, das kommt auch irgendwann mal.
Winke und gaaaanz liebe Grüße!!