Sunday 20 November 2011

The Kiddos and the kids

Sigi and I have been knowing each other for many years, when we both started working for the AMS, the Austrian Unemployment office. This was ...hmmmm....many years ago, I am not going to say the exact number, because...uh..there is this sudden blur in my brain. We do not see each other very often, at least as far as I am concerned I am far from seeing her as often as I want to, but when we do it is always a lot of fun, good conversation, catching up on each others news and, right, somehow food is also envolved usually.

This Saturday afternoon Sigi and her gang (Karli, Stefan and Paula) came over to meet my gang (my Stefan and the kiddos), and I was curious how it would work out. It was great! Karli, Stefan and Paula were really good with the kiddos, rather quiet, respectful, absolutely brilliant! Why cannot all kids be like this? And why cannot all the kiddos in the world be as curious, wonderful and loving as mine? Gee, the world would be such a perfect place...

Us and the food that was involved this time. We had Raclette, and I guess we all liked it. In my opinion the perfect food when you come together, you can chat, munch away, prepare your own just the way you want to. And I promise, next time I will buy much more corn!

After lots of food "Exercise with Indy"followed. He is a maniac with his balli, and Sigi´s three musketeers did him a great favor when throwing his balli for him over and over. Indy just spoiled the fun a bit because he usually never delivers to anybody else but Mama, which held up the entertainment a bit. This photo I pinched from Sigi, because for some crazy miracle we do not have any photo of the "Exercise with Indy"-entertainment, however this could have happened. Sigi shot her photos with her eyephone - I cannot believe the good quality the photos have!

Lily and her fan Paula. She is great with cats - very gentle, stroking them only very lightly, not trying to pick them up - but very persistent in following them around the house! *smile* Even Lily thawed.

Sigi had brought wonderful Guglhupf, which was consumed right after exercising with Indy. Of course Dessa was convinced that Sigi would cut it just for her. The Guglhupf was yum, yum, so soft and fluffy... I have to confess, I had two slices (and the kiddos had a taste of it too). But on the other hand I guess everyone had two slices.

Paula looking cute with her Guglhupf. When I said to her "Look cute for this photo" she pretended not to know what I mean - and then looked double cute! I hear she knows exactly what she wants and does not hesitate to inform her family about that - right you are, Paula, you cannot start early enough! Life is hard, so the best strategy is to know exactly what you want and live it!

Evidence of the PS3-session. I am a Lara Croft-fan and have played all of her adventures, but otherwise I am not patient enough for computer games, and if I have some spare time I rather read or hang out in Facebook (Gosh, reminder: I NEED to do some detox). But it was so much fun to watch the kids picking it up so quickly and go to PS3-places where Stefan and I have never ever been!

Oh no, don´t go. It was so much fun! Depression is spreading..
And much too soon they were gone again, and all that was left was the presents that Sigi brought along.

Thank you so much for all the presents, my lovely deco moose and napkins, the great bottle of wine (which will be gone very soon too I suspect), the wonderful cake - and most of all for the good times you spent with us! Please come back soon, it was a perfect afternoon! We just hope you and your gang had as much fun as we did... 


Sigi said...

Liebe Silvia, lieber Stefan, ihr supertollen kiddos!!!!

Wir danken euch für diesen schönen Nachmittag!!! Ihr habt es echt geschafft, dass keinem meiner Kinder fad wurde - und das heisst was!!!!!!
Euer respektvoller Umgang Kindern und Tieren gegenüber hat uns sehr beeindruckt!! Der Umgang vor allem mit den Hunden war sicher auch sehr lehrreich und hat viel Scheu genommen!!!!!

Danke euch!!

Bussis, Sigi & Co

Silvia said...

Liebe Sigi und Co,

vielen lieben Dank für das schöne Kommentar! Wir haben den Nachmittag mit euch echt genossen und waren total überrascht, wie rasch und angenehm die Zeit dahingeflogen ist. Unsere Kiddos stehen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung, sollte es noch weitere Scheu abzubauen geben - vor allem, da sie so sorgsam und nett behandelt werden! Es ist super, wie wunderbar sich alle verstanden haben. Bitte kommt recht bald wieder!
Dickes Bussi, Silvia und Gang